The Hudson River School
American (1825-1894)
Pompton Junction, 1877
Oil on board, 12 x 18 inches
Signed G. Inness lower right
Titled on two original labels affixed to the reverse
To view a video of Tom speaking about this artwork, click here.
Estate of the artist
Sale: Fifth Avenue Gallery, New York, Inness Executor’s Sale, February 12-14, 1895, lot 139
A. White, Boston, Massachusetts
John Levy Galleries, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Jones, Kansas City, Missouri
New York, American Fine Arts Society, Exhibition of Paintings Left by the Late George Inness, December 1894, no.14
Kansas City, Missouri, The Nelson Gallery and Atkins Museum, George
Inness (1825-1894): An Exhibition of Paintings from the Collection and in Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Jones, 1958, as Green Countryside with Train Track (Prompton Junction), no. 20
LeRoy Ireland, The Works of George Inness: An Illustrated Catalogue Raisonné, Austin, Texas, 1965, no. 800, p. 198, illustrated
Kenneth Wesley Maddox, Intruder into Eden: The Train in Nineteenth-Century American Landscape ([1999] 2000), p. 368, fig. 156
Michael Quick, George Inness: A Catalogue Raisonné, Volume One. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2007, no. 606, p. 523.
Ross E. Taggart, George Inness (1825-2894): An Exhibition of paintings from the collection in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Jones, The Nelson Gallery and Atkins Museum Bulletin 1, December 1958, as Green Countryside with Train Track (Prompton Junction), no. 20