American and European Figurative Paintings
American (1834-1903)
Penthouse of the Public House in St. Ives, Cornwall, circa 1883-84
Watercolor on paper, 6 ½ x 4 ½ inches
The artist
Walter Sickert, acquired from the above
Hesslein, acquired from the above, 1905
Private collection, Portland, Oregon, by 1984
Private collection, Nevada
Roger Abbott, Cottage Grove, Oregon
Private collection, Eugene, Oregon, acquired from the above, 1986
Margaret F. MacDonald, James McNeill Whistler: Drawings Pastels and Watercolours: A Catalogue Raisonne, New Haven and London, 1995, pp. 350-51, no. 921, illustrated.
Walter R. Sickert, letter to the editor, The Works of Whistler, New Age, vol. X, 29 February 1912, pg. 431, no. 18